In a remote part of the countryside, a bungled kidnapping turns into a living nightmare for four central...
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The Cottage
In a remote part of the countryside, a bungled kidnapping turns into a living nightmare for four central characters when they cross paths with a psychopathic farmer and all hell breaks loose. Written by Anonymous
When David and his clumsy brother Peter kidnap the daughter of a powerful gangster, they bring Tracey to a cottage in the countryside in the trunk of their car. Peter calls Tracey's father and asks a ransom of one hundred thousand pound to be delivered to her step-brother Andrew. When the ! bag is delivered to the moron Andrew, he does not check the content and is followed to the remote location by two Chinese hit-men hired by Tracey's father. When the abductors discover that the bag has only paper, David drives to a nearby village to make a phone call to demand the money. When he returns, he finds Andrew fainted and later that Tracey had reverted the situation and escaped with his brother as hostage. Meanwhile an insane and deformed farmer has just killed the killers and Tracey and Peter are heading to his farmer seeking a phone to call her father. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Genres: Comedy Crime Horror Thriller
Release year: 2008
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